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RoGBC Related

RoGBC Related

Sustainable Materials and Resources  
Location : online, in English
From: Thursday 05 September 2024, 10:00
To: Thursday 05 September 2024, 14:00

This course will be in English. It is a required course for those seeking the "Green Building Professional" certification.

Course objectives:

  • Establish the relationship between the demands of sustainability and the resources used in construction.

  • Understand the environmental impact of materials used in construction.

  • Critical reflection of the typical way of designing, using and managing resources throughout the lifecycle of buildings.

  • Propose an evaluation methodology and suggestions for improving the materials used in construction, maintenance and refurbishment of buildings.

  • Share the knowledge brought from different professional backgrounds and determine the active roles for reducing the environmental impact of materials.


To participate in this course, please complete the registration form. Click here to see full program discounts.

Trainer: Dragos Riti  Former President of Romania Green Building Council, Managing Director Premium Tech Team.

Dragos is an experienced construction professional working in the design, execution, cost and project management for sustainable construction projects. He is one of the first graduates of our Romania Green Building Professional accreditation program and contributes his expertise to the development of the "Financial Valuation of Green Buildings" course.   Beyond his professional life, Dragos is a green building enthusiast working to incorporate sustainable construction principles and solutions into his personal residence. His experience in both large and small building projects well serve the objectives of this project very well; namely and independent view to choose the most sustainable, economical solutions


Multicare Project

The content of this course is closely related to the MULTICARE project, where RoGBC is a partner. MULTICARE aims at boosting the creation of a resilient Europe by providing adaptation technological solutions (with a focus on residential buildings and social housing), and integrated approaches and tools necessary for assessing, improving and responding to future climate threats. In particular, MULTICARE will provide multi-layer modules, consisting of low-carbon modular components with standardized plug & play connections, to upgrade the resilience of buildings against multiple hazards, simultaneously contributing to sustainable development and improved quality of life.


This project has received funding from the European Union under the Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement no. 101123467 MultiCare). Views and opinions expressed are however those of author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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